The first night is an introduction to the Bug and the game.
We are feeling our way for this new social competition with the emphasis on fun, mates and families.
As you would have noted we had a great atmosphere with everyone enjoying themselves. We still need more teams/players so if you can think of friends, family members or businesses you would like to play with or against, get them along!
BugPolo Season Calendar
Thursday 1st June | Registrations open |
Thursday 11th July | Registrations close |
Thursday 18th July | Intro Night |
Thursday 25th July | Round 1 |
Thursday 1st August | Round 2 |
Thursday 8th August | Knockout Round |
Thursday 15th August | Knockout Finals |
Thursday 22th August | Tournament Night |
Tournament Night – Thursday 22nd August
This will be a tournament of short games where all teams play each other.
It will be run as a handicap tournament with handicaps bases on results during the season.
We now have a fifth team (Nixie’s) join us for Tournament Night.
We will finish a bit later than usual, any teams that cannot play till 9.15pm please let Graeme know.
- 7.15pm – 9:15pm: All Teams
Knockout Finals – Thursday 15th August
These will be full length knock out games to decide who wins the Social Grade Trophy for 2019.
If there is any time left over, we will have rolling practise/training for those interested. We have the pool till 8.45pm.
- 7.15pm – Runner ups: Robert’s Team vs Dennis’ Team
- 7.45pm – Finals: Jacob’s Team vs Tobi’s Team
- 8:15pm – Rolling practise/training
Knockout Round – Thursday 8th August
These will be full length knock out games to decide who wins the Social Grade Trophy for 2019.
- 7.15pm: Tobi’s Team vs Robert’s Team
- 7.45pm: Jacob’s Team vs Denis’ Team
Round 2 – Thursday 1st August
Casual games, come along for some fun.
- 7:15: Tobi’s Team vs Denis’ Team
- 7:45: Jacob’s Team vs Robert’s Team
Casual games, come along for some fun. Round 1 – Thursday 25th July
Intro Night – Thursday 18th July
Come down at 6.45 for an introduction to the Bug, the game and meet everyone. This is perfect for anyone that hasn’t played before and those that need a refresher.
- 6.45pm: Beginners have a go session
- 7.15pm: Informal games
- 7.45pm: Informal games