What to expect?

Beginner’s trips

Beginner trips are led by club members and designed to introduce you to the RiverBug, conditions on the river and white water. The day will start out on an easy section where you can practice in the RiverBug before heading into the rapids. The exact location will vary depending on the weather conditions and flow rate of the river on the day.

What to expect

We meet at the gear shed where you’ll be kitted out with a Bug, life jacket, fins, gloves and helmet. Then it’s off to the river via a good bakery where you can get a late breakfast and enough to fuel to keep you going throughout the day.

At the river you can get into your wetsuit and gear while the bugs are inflated and cars are dropped off at the get out. Make sure to put dry clothes, food and drink in the car for when you come out.

Before setting off we will get you in the Bug, show you how to get in and out safely and brief you on river safety. Finally we’ll make sure you can do a wet exit where the instructor will ask you to tip the bug upside down, exit the bug, and jump back in. Don’t worry, someone will be standing by ready to help if required.

On the river you’ll be placed in a small group and guided by experienced club members.

As the day progresses we’ll assess your ability and advise on how best to tackle the tricky sections. If we encounter any large rapids we’ll stop for a look and talk you through it, or give you the option to walk around the rapid.

At the end of the run you can change back into dry clothes, help pack up the gear and tuck into the snacks you saved for the end.

Typical beginner’s day

The exact plan for the day will vary depending on where we decide to go, how kind the weather is and the abilities of the group. Please check the details for your trip. In general we meet at the gear shed at 8am, stop at a bakery around 10am and be on the water by 11am. Usually we’re on the water until 2 or 3pm. By the time we are back at the gear shed and everything it packed away it’ll be about 6pm.

On the water there is plenty of time for playing around and having fun. We’ll stop at good spots and may run a rapid several times if people are keen.


  • The trip leader will contact you a few days afterwards with finalised costs. This will include gear hire and fuel costs for the driver. Weekend trips may include a shared dinner cost.
  • Please do not bring cash to pay drivers for club trips, it only makes sorting out costs afterwards more complicated.
  • Bank transfers should include a reference of your name and the river or trip name.

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