
This is your club, if you have ideas of trips you’d like to run, events to promote or want be on the committee let us know! We’re a friendly bunch and keen to get everyone involved.

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Anyone is welcome to join the club, participate in river trips and polo games. The annual membership fee is $5 and rolls over at the start of the BugPolo season. It is included in the BugPolo competition fees, the RiverBug season pass or will be added to your first RiverBug trip of the season.

How to become a member

Contact us before a RiverBug trip, sign up on the day or register for BugPolo.

Committee meetings

The committee meets monthly. Club members are welcome to come along, get a feel for how the committee works and contribute new ideas. Contact the secretary to find out when and where the next meeting will be held.

Agenda items should be sent to the Secretary a week before the meeting to give them a chance to finalise the agenda.

The AGM is usually held after the end of the BugPolo season. Keep an eye on the Facebook page for details.

The committee is elected at the AGM. Nominations should be made in writing to the Secretary at least two weeks prior.

How to organise a trip, game or other event

BugPolo tournament dates and RiverBug trips are set a month before the start of their seasons but you’re welcome to organise your own events.

Polo can be played anywhere, at the beach, on a lake or in a pool. Get a group together, let us know you plans and we’ll do our best to accommodate them. Additional games at Jellie Park will require some advanced notice as the pool needs to be booked. Contact the BugPolo Officer for more info.

Each year we do a range of RiverBug trips from absolute beginners, to full weekends in Murchison and for those with advanced skills there are adventures on the West Coast. Check the RiverBug calendar. If nothing is planned, post a suggestion on Facebook or get your own group together. You’ll need to make sure a suitable leader is available. Contact the RiverBug Officer if you need help with this, and to let them know when you’re planning to head out.